Bo Jiang
AI Scientist @ Gen AI foundation Team
LinkedIn Inc.
Phone: +1 774-9946310
Linkedin: Bo Jiang @ Linkedin
G-scholar: Bo Jiang @ Google Scholar
GitHub: PrivacyGo @ PIlab
Facebook: Bo Jiang @ Facebook
Short Bio:
Bo Jiang received his Ph.D. in ECE at the University of Arizona in 2023, co-advised by Dr. Ming Li and Dr. Ravi Tandon and he is now a research scientist at Privacy Innovation Lab of TikTok Inc. He received his second master's degree from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA, in 2017, his bachelor's degree and first master's degree from Harbin Institute of Technology, China in 2013 and 2015, respectively.
Research Interests:
Privacy enhancement technologies, Cyber security, Information Theory, Machine Learning, Wireless Communication, Remote Sensing.
Paper "Meeting utility constraints in differential privacy: A privacy-boosting approach", accepted by IEEE S&P 25'.
Paper "Budget recycling differential privacy", accepted by IEEE S&P 24'.
Paper "Anonpsi: An anonymity assessment framework for PSI", accepted by NDSS 24'.
Received Ph.D. degree from the University of Arizona. (Aug. 2023).
Awarded Outstanding Graduate student in the Engineering Academy (Dec. 2022).
Joined TikTok, work as a Research Scientist on Privacy Enhancement Technologies. (Oct. 2022).
Finished summer internship @ Mojo vision (Tectus Corporation): Worked on eye-tracking data privacy protection for the world's first-ever Augmented Reality (AR) contact lenses. (Aug, 2022)
Paper "Thompson sampling under bernoulli rewards with local differential privacy" accepted by International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML Workshop), PMLR 139, 2022 (June, 2022)
Last Update: Nov, 2024